Frustrated with your recruiting efforts?

  • Feel Like You're Searching for a Needle in a Haystack?

Are you a roofing company owner who has been struggling to find and keep good quality sales reps?

Has your company felt like a revolving door?

You’re not alone. I talk to roofing company owners every single day who complain that:

They’ve blown tens of thousands of dollars on “recruiters” and “headhunters” who have left them empty handed. 

They’ve dumped money into ZipRecruiter and Indeed ads only to get a couple nibbles here and there.

The people they do attract don’t even show up to the interview.

The candidates they DO hire require tons of hand-holding and most end up fizzling out as soon as they get a few doors slammed in their face.

Ride-along training is taxing, disorganized, time-consuming, and ineffective, and is leaving them feeling completely burnt out.

What’s the deal??

Most roofers put out an ad that says something like,

"Now Hiring: Full and part time roof sales reps. Average commission $85,000-$115,000 per year. Flexible hours. Be your own boss. Unlimited income potential!”

....and nobody clicks that ad.

Why? It sounds either too good to be true, or like an MLM pyramid scheme.

You might get a bite or two each week, but most people don’t even show up for the interview.

Or you attract the guy who claims he’ll sell $2M for you this year, but the last company he worked for ripped him off and owes him $30K in commissions so “he just needs gas money to get started.”

🚫  You’re out of willing friends and family who were crazy enough to quit their “real jobs” to come work for you.

🚫  You start offering fatter commissions. That doesn’t work.

Then you try salary + benefits. Still not getting the results you want.

You try handing them leads, draws, giving away insane commission splits, company trucks, iPads, bonuses, and gas cards….

…..and still at a frustrating plateau with growing your sales team and company revenue.

You begin to wonder where all the motivated, quality reps are hiding, or if people just don’t want to knock doors anymore.

If you’re tired of little to no results with your hiring strategy and you know “shadow training” is simply not creating successful, autonomous sales reps and producers quickly enough (or at all)...

I'm really glad you landed on this page.

I guarantee to help you hire, train, and launch 3-5 reps in the next 60 days with my long-time proven, fully turnkey, repeatable recruiting and onboarding system.

get started now

Hi. I’m Becca Switzer, Creator & CEO of Roof Sales Mastery and author of

“Diamonds in the Sky: How to Sell 7 Figures & Earn 6 in Storm Restoration Roofing Sales.”

Since 2014, I’ve taught over 4,000+ roofing contractors all over the country my exact step-by-step system for recruiting and onboarding training roof sales reps by simply following my fully turnkey recipe to achieve results like these:

This works in every market: I have clients in 46 states across the country.

These are normal people who put their pants on 1 leg at a time, just like you.

They didn’t need massive advertising budgets, insane 60/40 commission splits or salaries with benefits, or special talents to get these results.

All they did was:

✅  Copied and pasted my proven word for word hiring ad to my recommended sites (expect an average response rate of 50-100+ applicants in the first 14 days)

✅  Followed my interview script

✅  Ditched the ride-along shadow training and delivered my turnkey 6-day classroom-style onboarding sales training using the materials provided (including a 150 page storm restoration roof sales training manual)

✅  Followed the system religiously to a T

That’s it.

Anybody can do it. It's as simple as following a step-by-step recipe.

This same system will work in your company if you:

✅  Have a formal office space (not working out of your basement)

✅  Do storm restoration roofing (not STRICTLY retail, for now)

✅  Run an ethical operation (not the turn em/burn em "hookers & blow" roofer stereotype)

✅  Can read

Literally. That’s all you need.

You can begin creating results like these in as little as 21 days.

I have made it so easy a monkey can do it.

You will use this repeatable process in a rinse, repeat fashion to scale to the sales team size and revenue you’re looking for.

I’m so confident in the results of my system (based *not* on staggeringly blind confidence, but over a decade of consistent, predictable results) that I offer a BRASS BALLS money back guarantee: 

If you religiously follow my system and do not 2X the money you’ve invested with me by the time we’re done working together, I’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.

“BUT BECCA, how can you guarantee that?”

It’s simple. I know based on 10+ years of consistent results that if you simply follow my step-by-step system (no freestyling, no creative liberties), it will work for you.

Below are just a handful of real results my roofing clients are getting following my system: 

🤯  Ryan went from $2.4M to $9.4M in 12 months with 6 sales reps.

🤯  JR went from 2 sales reps to 32 sales reps in just 1 year.

🤯  John had 101 interviews in 7 days.

🤯  Joshua’s newest recruit sold $170K in 2 months as a total n00b.

🤯  Cari got 20 resumes in 48 hours.

🤯  Gerrit got 7 new hires in 8 days + 10 candidates for his next class the following week.

🤯  Lisa got 78 resumes in 5 days.

….and that’s just a TINY sample of the types of results I can share following this EXACT system.

Book a consultation Zoom with me, and I’ll show you exactly how this process works, step by step.

My goal is to make you my next raving testimonial to showcase results like these.

Book a call with me now, and we’ll begin scaling your roofing business like clockwork.

get started now

Everything I have put in this process down to the last detail is crucial: how everything is worded, what order the information is delivered in, how pay is structured, what we call things and don’t call things, what questions are asked – all of these tiny details throughout the recruiting process are what turn your “risky but highly rewarding opportunity” into a “highly desirable job with unusual perks and benefits,” and that’s how you turn your sad and sketchy Craigslist ad covered in cobwebs and dust into a recruiting machine that loads your inbox with quality applications and builds a badass sales force.

My clients have been getting predictable, massive results following this system for the last decade+. Check out their results in just the first WEEK:

Are your new hires THIS fired up to start their new job after leaving your interview, or are they wondering what the hell they've gotten themselves into? Stop wasting time and money on Monster, stop meeting sketchy dudes with rat tails off Craiglist, stop settling for 1 or 2 measly wild card applicants per month, and stop believing the lie that this position is "hard to hire for" or that "good salespeople are hard to find." Stop spinning your wheels and start using a proven system that works. We've built it. It's time for you to use it and see the results for yourself. Start today.

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