How I Get Adjusters to THANK ME for Sending
HUGE Supplements
Are you a storm restoration contractor?
Do State Farm and Allstate got you feelin’ like
Do State Farm and Allstate got you feelin’ like

OR, are you afraid that asking for large supplements is going to land you on some adjuster "Black List," ruining your relationships with insurance companies and squashing your chances of doing business forever?
If bickering back and forth on the phone with adjusters over ridge and starter, overhead and profit, code requirements, and ice and water shield is about to make you fly into an “Office Space”-like rage, or the fear that asking for large supplements is going to ruin your good standing with adjusters and land you on some sort of Black List, take a listen.
Have you noticed you’re engaging in the same, frustrating, futile pissing contests and arguments over the same line items over and over and over again? And you’re getting the same robotic, stonewall objections like, “Well that’s included in the waste,” or “ABC Insurance just doesn’t pay for general contractor’s overhead and profit…it’s our policy,” or, “That’s included in the price per square,” yada yada yada yada?
And yet, you continue to use the same strategy and attempt to win your supplement arguments with the same responses, more often than not ending up right back at square one with no additional funds, or finally getting that $1,000 after literally two weeks of back and forth arguing – time that could have been and should have been spent doing more productive things that would have yielded far more than the $1,000 for ice and water shield and drip edge would have earned you.
Albert Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”
Examine your current approach to supplementing and overhead and profit. Are you happy with it? Are you comfortable or pleased with the results and the amount of time and energy you’re spending on each of them? Or do you think that, maybe – just maybe – there’s a better way to approach it all?
I’m here to tell you there is a MUCH better, MUCH more profitable, MUCH more time efficient and sanity-sparing way to win your supplement and O&P battles. And if you can believe it, you’ll actually be able to get supplemental additions that will easily double, triple, even quadruple the average supplement you’re getting now, with LESS resistance from your adjusters.
Right now you’re trying to get ~ $1,000-2,000 most of the time and having to fight tooth and nail for it. My approach results in $4,000-5,000 supplements, sometimes up to $15,000-30,000 (DOUBLING the original claim size), with a “thanks for sending that over, check is in the mail” from the adjuster!
Sound too good to be true? Here is a SMALL handful of the many, many examples I have from RSM members who use my supplement system using this unique approach:

If you’re furrowing your brow over there and thinking WTF, how are they doing that? Consider that a big, blinking NEON signal that it’s time to change your supplement approach and adopt a new system that actually WORKS.
Seriously. What are you waiting for? You've got nothing to lose and literally THOUSANDS to gain. Let’s make some money together. My program shows you exactly
- What line items to add
- What to say to get them approved
- How to handle adjusters’ objections if and when you still get them
- AND takes you from zero to hero using Xactimate
It’s a repeatable, effective process, and if you simply follow my program, you’ll dramatically increase your claim sizes by $2500-4500, commissions, and job profits starting immediately. It’s as simple as that.
Want in? Click here for more information.
And if you worry that adjusters will put you on some career-murdering “blacklist” for sending big ass supplements the way I teach, this video will be the most important thing you see all day: