This used to be Woody.

"That's included in the waste, sir. Sorry, roofing is not considered a 'trade.' This project is not complex enough in nature. That's just a cost of doing busin--"
Woody used to spend HOURS blowing a gasket in front of the computer engaging in blood-boiling, futile arguments with insurance adjusters about supplements.
Then one day, a fellow contractor bestowed upon Woody the greatest concept that ever graced his roofing business:
Instead of spending HOURS of his life every single week having the same back and forth pissing contests over Xactimate items with State Farm, Allstate, Farmers, and all the other insurance villains, a special team of highly skilled, professionally trained aliens (public and licensed adjusters) from a different planet (Florida) who were wizards and geniuses at maximizing claims took care of EVERYTHING while Woody did LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.

Woody simply handed his claims directly to the supplement gods who increased his claims by an average of 30% or $4,949.85 each across the board while he slept, ate shrimp lo mein, played Fortnite, pooped, or spent time with his bae.

He was happier, he had more free time, he dramatically decreased his stress, his personal life improved, and his business enjoyed more profits, all with ZERO TIME OR EFFORT on his part.
If you’re like Woody, let us show you the light. Let us take arguably one of the most crucial aspects of your roofing business when it comes to profit completely off your plate, and watch 5-6 figure supplement gains roll in while you do, well, whatever you want.

Let us free up a sh*t load of your time, lower your blood pressure, and make your girlfriend happier by taking an ENORMOUS responsibility off your plate and out of your business so you can GAIN hours of your life back, LOSE the headaches and frustration, and simply watch THOUSANDS of dollars in supplements CHA-CHING into your bank account while you do this:

This could be you. Start today.

Want to see how easy and rewarding it is to see ONLY with the BENEFITS and none of the headache of supplementing? You have nothing to lose and literally THOUSANDS of dollars and hours to gain by letting us take the burden of supplementing off your shoulders. It’s what we do, it’s ALL we do, and we’re f#%king good at it.
To prove it, for a limited time we're offering you ONE FREE SUPPLEMENT on us. You pick your battle, we pony up and show you the money. Don't miss this free gift. Claim your free money below.