Xactimate Certification for Roofing Contractors

Are you a roofing contractor that specializes in or wants to explore storm restoration insurance claims? Learning Xactimate, supplementing, and acquiring certifications that demonstrate your qualifications and knowledge in the industry-standard estimating software Xactimate will give you a leg up in your insurance claims discussions with adjusters and homeowners alike.

Level 1 Xactimate Certification
    Get Certified

    Level 1 Certification Course - Online Self-Study​

    1. Learn the Sketch skills in order to Sketch the Level 1 floor plan to study for the exam
    2. How to avoid common pitfalls in building your estimate for the practical portion of the exam
    3. How to prepare for the knowledge portion of the Level 1 exam
    • ​4 Hour Live Online Group Study Session - Level 1
    1. Get support for any questions or difficulties you encountered while preparing for the exam
    2. Get an Xactware Certified Trainer to look over your work to ensure you're ready to go into the exam
    3. ​Open and take the exam while on the Study Session so the Trainer can help you with any issues that may arise
    Level 2 Xactimate Certification
      Get Certified

      Level 2 Online Self-Study Xactimate Certification.

      1. Learn the Sketch skills in order to Sketch the Level 2 floor plan with multiple levels
      2. How to avoid common pitfalls in building your estimate for the practical portion of the exam
      3. How to prepare for the knowledge portion of the Level 2 exam
      • ​4 Hour Live Online Group Study Session - Level 2
      1. Get support for any questions or difficulties you encountered while preparing for the exam
      2. Get an Xactware Certified Trainer to look over your work to ensure you're ready to go into the exam
      3. ​Open and take the exam while on the Study Session so the Trainer can help you with any issues that may arise​

      Online Self-Study Xactimate Certification Courses:

      Online Xactimate Certification for Roofers

      If you're a roofing contractor who deals in storm restoration insurance claims, becoming as proficient as possible in utilizing the industry-standard estimating software Xactimate is very important.

      Insurance carriers and contractors nationwide have used Xactimate to estimate insurance claims line-by-line for years, but that hasn't made it easy for insurance adjusters and roofers to agree on price.

      Roofers have found it difficult throughout the years to meet in the middle with insurance adjusters on fair line-by-line Xactimate estimates where the job gets done correctly and up to code, the contractor gets paid fairly for the work they do, and the policyholder/homeowner gets indemnified fully for the losses to their home.

      This has pushed contractors to become knowledgable, proficient, and well-versed in the estimating software Xactimate so they have more leverage in discussing claims and getting the proper line items included in the repair costs of their insurance claims.

      One of the ways roofing contractors can have clout during claim discussions with adjusters is by holding Level 1, 2, & 3 Xactimate Certifications.

      Why get Xactimate Certified?

      Why get certified in Xactimate as a roofer? Many contractors have found that getting certified as a user in Xactimate has helped with the discussion of estimates with adjusters. The certification status holds authority with adjusters in the property insurance industry and they will admit that it shows that the Contractor is knowledgeable in using the software. It's like carrying another feather in your hat or badge on your lapel. It demonstrates you know your stuff!

      In addition, many roofers may be surprised to discover that very few insurance adjusters actually hold Xactimate Certifications themselves, so when you have your certification as the contractor, you have more authority, say, and leverage in the claims process (plus you look even more professional to your customers).

      Advanced Sales & Supplement Program + Xactimate Mastery Options:

      Are you a roofing contractor looking for more than a certification? If you're looking for a robust and comprehensive online training course for Supplementing, Insurance Adjuster Negotiations, Xactimate, Overhead & Profit, & more to either teach someone in your company from the ground up, or to level up your current supplementing and Xactimate knowledge to ensure you are truly maximizing your profit on each and every insurance claim, consider The Advanced Sales & Supplement Training Program + Xactimate Mastery course bundle.

      Ideal for: business owners, salesmen, and in-house supplementers/PAs.

      Advanced Sales & Supplement Program
        Enroll Now

        5 month payment plan: $595 x 5 months

        Xactimate Mastery
          Enroll Now

          5 month payment plan: $1100 x 5 months