Author Archives: roofsalesmastery
Driving Sales & Holding Salesmen Accountable
So you’ve hired some new salesmen and you’ve trained them on the basics….now comes the hard part: managing those people. Holding them accountable. Keeping them motivated. Driving activity and sales. How do you do that without feeling like a micromanaging slave driver while still creating results? Sales manager Alison & I discuss. ….
Are You Paying Your Roof Salesmen Like Prostitutes?
I discuss compensation plans for roofing salesmen that work and DON’T work with sales manager Robert, hitting key points such as the functionality or hindrance specific types of base pay create. Don’t pay your salesmen just for being there; they’re not escorts.
3 Ways to Eliminate Overwhelm
Being a business owner or an independent contractor comes with a boatload of responsibilities, and every single one of your results as a company or a salesman ultimately depends fully on your ability to manage your time, discipline yourself to take care of tasks, and really to “show up” every day to produce and create…
Where to Find & Hire New Roofing Salesmen
Perhaps one of the (seemingly) hardest parts of this business is “finding good salesmen,” or “finding people who are willing to do a job like this.” You might get lucky and every now and again come across someone who is already comfortable with commission-only pay structure and has been in sales their whole life, but…
Multi-Step Canvassing Approach
Client and sales manager Robert and I talk about the mailer campaign coupled with a door-knocking approach and strategy we discussed to follow-up the mailers in a timely manner with a canvassing team proved to be a successful method in the heart of January for generating business. What would a simple 10% increase in your lead…
Overhead & Profit Made Easy
One of the most sought-after line items on claims is good old fashioned O&P, so consequently it’s one of the tougher things to get approved as insurance carriers attempt to mitigate loss with more and more difficult objections….unless you get it the Roof Sales Mastery way. Client Nick and I discuss the letter we use…
Legitimately Supplementing Claims
In-house supplementer Joey and I discuss “to supplement or not to supplement” with claims that are technically paid “enough” (or more than enough) to do the job, but are still missing legitimate items that could be and SHOULD be included in the scope, keeping in mind the reality of the matter is that if the…
Can’t You Just Give Me a Bid?
We’ve all heard this ugly question, but few have learned how to masterfully a) prevent it, and b) handle it effectively when and if it does pop up. Your sales presentation should eliminate the request for simply a “bid,” but if it doesn’t, it’s crucial to diagnose the source of the objection and handle it…
What Roofing Company Owners Should Be Doing NOW to Prepare for a Successful 2015
Hopefully you came out of 2014 with a profitable year, learned some new lessons along the way about how to run your business or deal with your team better, and took some time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Christmas has passed, the New Year has begun, and even though the frosty mornings…
Cheap, Easy Roof Sales Referrals
Every storm restoration salesman and roofing contractor is constantly after more leads. Between door knocking, mailers, telemarketing, radio ads, commercials, billboards, yard signs, and door hangers, one of the most direct ways to get a virtual “deal in the bag” is through referrals. Referrals in the roofing industry kick ass. They’re a shoo-in contract as…