Roof Sales Mastery Program Enrollment Options
Six Online, Truly Turnkey, Repeatable Systems & Trainings for:
- Supplements, Adjuster Objections, & Xactimate
- Recruiting, Hiring, & Retaining Salesmen
- Standardized, Repeatable Onboarding Training for New Salesmen
- Advanced & Ongoing Sales Training for Veteran Salesmen
- Managing & Driving Sales

Dear future RSM member,
If you've reached this page, we have recently personally discussed the needs of your storm restoration roofing company together via phone or email, and after this review of the systems, your membership and access to the Roof Sales Mastery program suite is just a few clicks away!
Below you will find:
- Details of each of the six programs in the All Inclusive
- A video walkthrough of a couple of the courses (like a demo)
- Dozens of results-based testimonials from RSM members nationwide.
I especially hope you take the time to review their testimonials because they are an extremely compelling boost of confidence in making the investment into Roof Sales Mastery and that my system will work for you, too.
I am extremely confident that my incredibly dialed, comprehensive, robust system of six turnkey programs and trainings is the solution to your recruiting pains, training inefficiencies, sales team management opportunities, and supplementing blind spots with Xactimate.
Begin operating your roofing company like a well-oiled, organized machine where every key staff member has a plan and protocols to follow for their role so information no longer exists solely in peoples' heads.
Make recruiting, training, and launching salespeople be as easy as turning on a faucet. Watch your average claim size increase by an average of $2500-4500 across the board starting immediately. Slow the bleeding of the revolving door of salespeople.
Bring the system in house, put bodies in place, and watch your business grow like you never could have imagined.
What's included in the All-Inclusive Business Owners Package:

The Recruiting Machine
This turnkey hiring system provides the following:
- My word for word hiring ad that averages 20-50 (often up to 100) applicants for your sales position within the first 7-10 days
- My word for word interview script carefully worded to not oversell the position, scare candidates off, or lose them at "door to door commission sales"
- Recommended websites to post your hiring ad
- A recruiting schedule (when to post, respond, etc.)
- Incoming and outgoing phone scripts
- How to facilitate time-saving group interviews that aren't weird
- Recommended compensation structure to advertise
- How to leverage Personal Recruits and college students

The New Hires Training Program
This turnkey, incredibly comprehensive and repeatable standardized formal sales training for new recruits provides:
- A step-by-step deliverable 5 day system for you to conduct a truly effective in-house, classroom style on-boarding training
- A complete training script (Days 1-5). Simply deliver the script like a college professor teaching a lecture to your class.
- An 88 page training manual for each salesperson, aka the "storm restoration sales bible." Reps will study, role play, practice, and memorize their word for word sales presentation script, door pitch, how to handle objections at the door and kitchen table, do's and don'ts on adjuster meetings, what is and isn't hail/wind damage, identifying basic roof/siding/gutter components, reading and understanding insurance paperwork, terms, and definitions (RCV, ACV, depreciation, deductible). etc.
- A comprehensive trainer's guide (training the trainer)
- A structured "Fast Start" contest that gets reps creating results quickly to instill confidence, belief, and excitement about the position
- Unique "practice appointment" method leveraging personal acquaintances for initial inspections, relieving initial pressure and warming them up to door knocking

aka the "Roof Sales Survival Kit" provides:
- Critical review of the most important takeaways from New Hires Training after graduating that live class
- Consider it "cliff notes" of the most important things they learned in live training that they can revisit in a succinct online portal, such as a video of me delivering the sales presentation and close, basic door pitches, and explaining how depreciation and deductibles work
- Alleviates the sales manager from answering two 10-minute calls from each of the 3-5 new salesperson every single day asking the same "review" questions

Sales Team Management Program
This program is like a formal toolkit and protocol for the sales manager. It provides:
- Sophisticated compensation structures
- Unique bonuses & incentives to drive consistent monthly sales
- A guide to delivering a truly valuable and inspiring weekly team meeting
- How to facilitate incredibly crucial ongoing sales training at the weekly meeting
- 17 pre-written, ready to deliver sales meeting topics
- How to have effective, impactful 1-on-1 motivational accountability consults with each rep to keep them on track for their annual sales and income goal
- How to break down each rep's personal sales and income goal all the way down to the # of doors they have to knock weekly based on their specific, unique stats and closing ratio at the door and kitchen table as well as their average deal size
- Contests and door blitzes to run weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually to drive sales
- How to drive sales without becoming a whip-cracking slavedriver OR a buddy-buddy guy the team likes but doesn't respect

The Advanced Sales & Supplement Program
This course is a massive online library combining advanced sales and supplement training. It provides:
- A repeatable system guaranteed to create an average increase of $2500-4500 in supplements PER CLAIM across the board
- The "art" of supplementing (closing the adjuster on your Xactimate)
- My Master List of Supplemental Items (over 100 creative, out of the box, LEGITIMATE Xactimate line items far beyond the usual ridge/starter, flashings, O&P, mismeasurements, accessories, etc.)
- My "Supplement Short List" – the "dirty dozen" Xactimate items applicable to MOST claims that you can add to the claims sitting in your pipeline RIGHT NOW to see instant results, even if you don't know what you're doing yet and are new to supplementing
- My word for word "email script approach" for introducing supplement requests to adjusters without pissing them off
- An "If this, then that" adjuster rebuttal "toolkit" addressing objections such as, "That's included in the waste / That's a cost of doing business / It's our policy not to pay for XYZ / We have a preferred contractor that will do it for our price / That's included in the price per square / etc."
- Various "Homeowner Letters" including letters for O&P, discontinued materials, partial approvals, repairs only, etc.
- Appraisal Demand letter template
- How to play "the insurance commissioner card"
- Closing homeowners who have paperwork in hand and don't want to show you their cards
- How to supplement Symbility claims
- and much, much more.
- Dozens of word for word door pitches for specific situations (fresh storm vs. old storm, marginal damage vs. obvious damage, 10th person to knock on the door vs. 1st person, etc.)
- Handling every possible objection under the sun
- Dealing with "Mr. Bid Collector"
- Overcoming the deductible-eating request
- 14 ways to generate leads without knocking doors (real estate agents, property managers, insurance agents, landlords, etc.)
- 4 word for word referral scripts to close referral names & numbers on the spot
- Preparing homeowners for the supplementing process ahead of time
- and much, much more.

Xactimate Mastery
This course provides around 25 hours of video tutorials on taking anyone from "zero to hero" in Xactimate proficiency, including:
- The "science" of supplementing: how to produce professional, compelling Xactimate estimates and supplements
- "Xactimate for Dummies"– first few lessons cover the absolute basics for those completely new to the software
- How to use sketch tool
- How to build macro templates, plus 90 pre-built, ready to use macro templates
- How to build an overhead and profit coversheet letter
- How to import photos and Eagleviews into your estimate to dramatically reduce the number of attachments you send to adjusters to avoid irking them
- How to make F9 notes under each line item to include additional validation and justification for approval
- How to locate key language and definitions in Xactimate for each line item to overcome adjuster objections (especially important when they try to use your ignorance/unfamiliarity with the software against you, such as claiming harnesses are already accounted for because they already paid "steep charges," for example)
- some additional tips for estimating commercial and mitigation
- PLUS, 60 days of live group coaching Q&A with Alena Wilson

eBook, "Diamonds in the Sky: Introduction to Storm Restoration Sales"
This is a super easy to read, easily digestible 65 page ebook jam packed with gold nuggets for both newbies and salty veterans in storm restoration roofing sales, including introduction and tips for:
- The income opportunity roof sales provides
- An overview of how storm restoration insurance sales works
- A basic overview of the job and claim cycle
- Door knocking tips
- Objection handling tips
- Closing tips
- Time management
- Inspiring personal story
- and more
It's a great tool to provide brand new recruits before they come in for Day 1 of training as well as a powerful recruiting tool for people you know who are on the fence about joining you in the crazy roof sales game 🙂

Private Membership Forum for Q&A
The private forum on Facebook is for members only, and is a place where you can post questions to receive feedback not only from Becca but from the thousands of other roofing contractors, managers, supplementers, and salesmen who have a wealth of knowledge and experience to share when you need help.
The forum also has a FILES tab where you can upload documents, but most importantly, browse important items other members have uploaded and shared, such as contingencies and contracts, tools, completion forms, checklists, and more.

5 User Logins
The All-Inclusive package includes 5 user login accounts valued at $250 each. (The intellectual property and material is IP protected so that shared logins boot each other off.) Additional logins can be purchased for a one time add-on fee of $250 per person if desired or needed.

How it All Works
The materials are all organized in both video content and readable PDF lessons in your online membership login portal.
After enrolling, you will receive login credentials and instructions to begin accessing your courses instantly (even if you are using a payment plan). The course content is available to you 24/7/365 to use, revisit, and review as often as you'd like.
After your initial up front investment, your continual access will be just $17/month which includes ongoing access to the courses including all the updates and additions we make to those materials and courses, plus the membership forum for support and Q&A.
Click here for a full list of program FAQs.
Watch 2 program "demos" below:
Client Results, Testimonials & Reviews
Since 2014, my Roof Sales Mastery programs for recruiting, sales training, supplementing, and Xactimate have been proven over and over and over again by contractors nationwide to streamline their hiring, training, and claims maximization, backed by REAL, tangible, quantifiable results. Below is a TINY sample of the hundreds of raving, results-based testimonials to my system:

Make it easy on yourself and your team.
Don't reinvent the wheel. Stop spinning your tires and wasting time, energy, and burning through GREAT people with ineffective, exhausting trial and error. Run your company like a McDonald's, not a pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey game.
Give yourself the gift of a SOLID, proven, FORMAL system for everything from recruiting, sales training, and supplementing, and simply follow the roadmap to success. Why choose blind, uphill struggle when you can choose inevitable success with a proven recipe?
Join the thousands of contractors nationwide who are exponentially RAMPING up their roofing businesses implementing my easy to follow, PROVEN systems.
Do the math. Your first 3-6 supplements alone following my system pays for the WHOLE program, not to mention how much 1 single good salesperson is worth to your revenue. In fact most contractors make an ROI on their investment in less than 30 days (some do it in 24 hours!) Everything from there on out is gravy.
Roof Sales Mastery works! And it will work for you, too. Enroll online now. You've got nothing to lose, and literally THOUSANDS to gain.