RSM Comprehensive Online Course

deep dive into exactly how we sold, built, and collected $1.2 million in residential insurance restoration sales in just 8 months, earning over $240,000 in commissions, allowing us to take the next four months of the year off.

Our most comprehensive storm restoration sales training is compiled into an online course where you can go at your own pace to learn the secrets to maximizing job profits with insurance jobs, exactly what to say to land enormous supplements on your insurance claims to increase your claim sizes by up to double, over 30 word-for-word door knocking approaches we use that secures us at least 1 appointment per every 10 doors, and objection-handling techniques that actually work.

We give you the script to the presentation we use to sign 95% of our deals on the spot, effective tactics to negotiating with insurance adjusters, the blueprint to selling a million dollars in restoration sales annually, and much, much more.

Packed with rich and gritty content, our comprehensive online program gives you the “gold nuggets” of information, how-to’s, and roadmap you need to consistently increase your average job size by 35-80%, boost your closing percentage up to 95%, and earn a healthy six figures every year with residential storm restoration sales.

Shorten your learning curve, put yourself ahead of your competition, and don’t waste another day through unguided trial-and-error by enrolling in our Roof Sales Mastery Comprehensive Online Course now. It pays for itself in the first job you close using our techniques. But don’t take our word for it: meet Nick, who has been in storm restoration for 5 years, and decided to take a leap and enroll in our training program to take his skills, income, and results to the next level this year. Here’s what he had to say about investing in our training program after just 4 or 5 quick sessions:


Here’s exactly what you get in the online course:

  • The script we use that results in our 95% closing percentage
  • Over 30 word-for-word door knocking approaches and objection-handling techniques that actually work
  • Dozens of real life examples of supplements we have achieved of up to $30,000 and exactly what to say and how to get them on your jobs to increase the size of claims by up to double
  • Simple step-by-step method to increase your average claim size by $500-2500 every tim
  • The #1 thing restoration salesmen MUST do to dominate a neighborhood
  • How to build a reference list that will close deals for you
  • Strategies we use to maximize profit on each and every job without compromising quality
  • The 3 biggest mistakes sales reps make while setting appointments and how to avoid them
  • The blueprint to selling $1,000,000 this year
  • Over a dozen ways to generate leads without knocking another door
  • The secret to choosing the perfect neighborhood
  • Exactly what to say to overcome 12 objections at the door, including “I’m just going to call my insurance agent,” “I already have a roofer,” and, “My husband already looked at it.”
  • The 6 easiest times to set up appointments
  • The 1 phrase that gets adjusters to buy
  • How to have the highest bid and still get the job
  • How to close adjusters on full-wrap aluminum jobs
  • Methods to landing overhead & profit
  • The biggest mistakes storm restoration salesmen make that cost them thousands and how to avoid them
  • How to sell $1,000,000 in 15 minutes a day
  • Easy to understand guide to comprehending insurance paperwork correctly so you don’t leave money on the table
  • Exactly how to explain insurance claims to your customers do you don’t have to give bids ever again
  • How to turn your customers into lead-generating machines

Bottom line: If you aren’t consistently earning a six-figure income and selling over a million dollars each year, closing over 90% of your deals on the spot, or lining up 1 out of every 10 doors you knock, then you can’t afford to let another day go by without using our proven strategies to teach you exactly how to do so. Enroll in Roof Sales Mastery Comprehensive Online Course now to access the step-by-step blueprint to becoming a top-performer and a high income-earner.

Click here to get on the horn with us to talk about enrolling.

The bird is the word.


  • Kevin

    Reply Reply February 13, 2014

    Please Let me know when your next sign up is.

    • roofsalesmastery

      Reply Reply February 13, 2014

      Hi Kevin, will do.

  • Erich Willing

    Reply Reply April 8, 2016

    Would like more information – plz contact me via email

    Thanks !!!

  • Brian good

    Reply Reply June 8, 2016

    I ordered your book diamonds in the sky this morning thru PayPal and have not received the copy yet…does it take a few days?
    Looking forward to a rewarding read.
    Thanks in advance
    B. Good

    • roofsalesmastery

      Reply Reply June 8, 2016

      Hi Brian, you should have received an email to the address you provided with the subject line “your eBook” and a link to download it as a PDF instantly. What email address did you use?

  • Isaac

    Reply Reply November 13, 2017

    Just looking for a little help in supplementing

  • Sina Safaie

    Reply Reply October 3, 2024


    I can not get logged in but I would like to cancel my monthly subscription. How can I cancel?

    Thank you

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